As august nears its end, I am thinking back on my accomplishments for the month and looking toward september with a great deal of hope and excitement. It certainly has been a wild month for my household and I don't think I would want it any other way. Below, some of the highlights of my very busy august.
I kicked off the month celebrating my child's 6th birthday. We had a party here, at the house, centered around an art theme. I baked and decorated the cake as I do every year and each of the attendees was able to add their own personality to a blank canvas I had purchased. The girls gathered around with paint and brushes, remaining nearly silent for quite awhile. The end result was a colourful 3'x3' masterpiece that my daughter will have as a keepsake of her special day. I think we had a successful party.
Just two days after our art party, on august 9th, I took my daughter to school for her first day of the new school year. I must say that it was a proud moment for me to watch her enter her classroom for the first time, eager to learn and experience new things. Seeing the excited look on her face gave me inspiration for my own future. In two minutes she had managed to remind me that each new experience in life is something to look forward to and be thankful for. If only we could retain the wonder children possess into adulthood!
August held small victories for me. My daughter's school had the entirety of its japanese language and culture program reinstated and I had the opportunity to, once again, volunteer. I intend to help out as much as I can this year, though my free time will be little. I was finally able to procure a new state identification card after months of soliciting paperwork. My financial aid was processed and awarded on time, allowing me to have my schooling paid for. I conquered registration and began classes after eight years off. August created a strong, forward momentum in my life and I intend to keep pushing along that path.
I am anxious for september. My schooling will continue, creating new challenges along the way. I will have to find and maintain the delicate balance of working full time, attending school full time and still being a good mother to my little one, but I am confident I will be able to do it all. My support system is in place and knowing its there reduces my strain considerably.
The end of september has me traveling south. I will only be in texas for a week, but what an intense week it will be. I am joking to myself that the trip is a leadership summit on the potential, no, probable direction of my life. But...there is time to ruminate on that later on. *wink*
As I bid adieu to warm august and look toward september and the beginning of fall, I can say that I am ready and excited. Big changes, people, big changes. I'm giddy with anticipation.