Thursday, March 18, 2010

beware the ides of march

the snow is gone now. it's actually quite pleasant. everything has gone the way of chirping birds, budding trees and blooming flowers. it is spring in the city, but some things warm more slowly than others.

"emotionlessly she kissed me in the vineyard and walked off down the row. we turned at a dozen paces, for love is a duel, and looked up at each other for the last time."

Monday, March 8, 2010


"What is the feeling when you're driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? -it's the too huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies."

There was a hazy figure behind glass and then...nothing. It all struck at that moment. There was the sound of something ripping, darkness...maybe even a split second of panic, though no one knows for sure. It's almost as if everything you knew to be truth failed and the world became something else entirely. Each witness saw things entirely different from the next. Someone might have said that it will all be over soon, but everyone else knew that to be false. This is the new way...and we pleaded to the source to allow us, if nothing else, retention of our memories.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Tomorrow night is a celebration.

We will celebrate into the night, toasting to everything we can verbalise...and some things we cannot. Freedom and forward thinking, friendship and futures unknown.

I want to get lost for the sole purpose of feeling that "ah HA!" moment when you get there.

Let go. Let's go.

By the way, these cookies are delicious.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

spring is, well, springing

with the return of warmer weather comes the return of rosie rustbucket, aka neville. for those not in the know, i am referring to my bike; a 20ish year old, blue schwinn purchased from the working bikes co-op last spring for approximately $80.

i am not ashamed to admit that i have the smallest shred of sanity intact after all of these years. that scrap of logical thinking keeps me on public transportation through the winter months. call me too proud for frostbite.

we're looking forward to warmer temperatures here in the big city, so i'm bidding adieu to my 100% reliance on our failing transit authority. i'm sure i'll still see you once in awhile, bus, but our relationship won't be what it was. at least, not until next november.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i loved this photo, but only after i took it. i was trying to capture something else entirely until my shot walked out of the frame and revealed this little girl. i cannot remember what my original intent was, at this point. i'll have to elaborate on this later. my own little girl requires collection in 10 minutes.

cue my theme song

this is the beginning of the middle. i'm not entirely sure where this is headed, but it will find a way. like all things in life, it will develop a mind of its own, balloon out of control and wander off into the sunset one night while my back is turned. i'll turn in time to see it disappear on the horizon, smile in rememberance and, above all, wave like a blasted fool after it.

so here it is. stay tuned and, most importantly, enjoy your tuesday. why? because anything is possible on tuesdays.